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    HAITI RELIEF Natural disasters that have caused extreme poverty, such as the 2010 Haiti earthquake and the 2004–2008 hurricane seasons, have necessitated the need for emergency relief and recovery efforts. This has necessitated ongoing donations for recovery efforts as well as for the care of relief supplies like bottled water, warmers, kitchenware, mattresses, blankets, and…



    AFGHANISTAN RELIEF For Afghan families and children, life is too difficult since the Taliban seized power and brought forth the current humanitarian disaster. Afghanistan’s citizens struggle with acute destitution, starvation, and many forms of exploitation. Afghan girl children who lack access to school suffer. Support of Afghan refugees in these difficult circumstances is important.   In…



    INDIA RELIEF   In India, there is a pressing need for ongoing donations to support nonprofit organizations working to address urgent needs like healthcare, nutrition, housing, education, and protection from child labor and child marriage. Every community has socio-cultural challenges that need to be acknowledged and resolved. The protection of individuals, especially that of weaker…



    ANIMAL WELFARE What is animal welfare? With regards to how animals are kept (as pets, in zoos, farms, circuses, etc.), how they are slaughtered for food, how they are used in scientific research, how they are treated (as pets, in zoos, etc.), and how human activities affect their welfare and survival, respect for animal welfare…



    WILDLIFE CONSERVATION The process of safeguarding plant and animal species as well as their habitats is known as wildlife conservation. The ecosystems of the earth are balanced and stable because of the fauna that exists there. For natural ecosystems to be restored, protected, or improved, healthy wildlife species or populations must be maintained. The main…



    ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS OF CONSCIOUSNESS  In actuality, the environmental issue is a crisis of conscience. Most people are aware that the natural world is suffering significant difficulties and degradation, but few are aware of the full scope of the changes and deterioration the environment is experiencing, along with the extended consequences it has on human welfare…



    CANADA’S DILEMMA Substance Abuse Crisis Streamed live on May 31, 2022 Canada’s British Columbia is the first jurisdiction to abolish criminal sanctions for the possession of some dangerous narcotics. British Columbia is the first province to receive approval for an exception from the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, which eliminates criminal penalties for some hard…