Where to Donate for Climate Change

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There are many organizations that work on issues related to climate change and you can donate to them to support their efforts. Here are a few options:

  • Carita World Foundation:

    The Carita World Foundation promotes the conservation, maintenance, and preservation of the environment. Carita World Foundation strives to reduce excessive natural resource consumption. 

  • The Climate Reality Project:

    This organization works to activate leadership on the climate crisis and empower people to take action.
  • The Sierra Club:

    This is one of the oldest and largest environmental organizations in the US. They work on a wide range of environmental issues, including climate change.
  • The Environmental Defense Fund:

    This organization uses science and economics to create practical solutions to environmental problems, including climate change.
  • The Natural Resources Defense Council:

    This organization works to protect the planet’s natural resources, including addressing the impacts of climate change.
  • 350.org:

    This international organization works to build a global climate movement, through online campaigns, grassroots organizing, and mass public actions.
  • The World Wildlife Fund:

    This organization works to protect endangered species and their habitats, including addressing the impacts of climate change on wildlife.

Where to Donate for Climate Change​

These are just a few examples of organizations that work on climate change. It’s always a good idea to research any organization before making a donation to ensure that your money is going to a cause you support.