What is Animal welfare?

Animal welfare refers to the physical and mental condition of an animal in relation to the conditions and surroundings in which it lives and dies. It refers to the quality of life that an animal experiences and how well it is coping with its’ present situation and surroundings. There are so many animals around the world that are suffering from being used for medicine, food, fashion, entertainment and for advancement in science. Hence, it is our duty as human beings to make sure that all animals are treated humanely and responsibly. It is our duty to take care of the well-being of animals. For this, it is important that we keep in mind key domains that are vital for animal welfare.

The Five Domains of Animal Welfare are:

  1. Nutrition:
  2. These factors encompass the animal’s access to sufficient, balanced and clean water and food.
  3. Environment:
  4. This domain focuses attention on the factors that enable comfort of an animal according to the physical and atmospheric conditions that it is exposed to directly. These include temperature, space, air, water, noise and substrate.
  5. Health:
  6. This refers to the factors that enable good health of an animal and the welfare of the animal, absence of disease, injury and different levels of physical fitness.
  7. Behavioral Interactions:
  8. This domain highlights the behaviors animals mount in response to variable, novel and engaging environmental challenges through sensory inputs, exploration, bonding and retrieving.
  9. Mental State:
  10. The first four functional domains inform us about the animals’ various experiences and makes up the fifth domain: mental state. The mental state of the animals should benefit from positive states like pleasure, comfort, while reducing the negative states like fear, hunger, pain and frustration.

How is animal welfare different from animal rights?

There are activists around the world that are fighting for the cause of animals. As per the concept of animal rights, every animal has an equal right to life. Animals have to right not to be used for human purposes and have the right to life, right to live in natural surroundings, right to be not used for food, entertainment and scientific purposes, etc. People who work for animal rights stand against exploitation against animals. Key points about animal rights are:

  1. The interests of animals cannot be sacrificed at any cost.
  2. Animals cannot be killed at any cost.
  3. Laws that prohibit use of animals are supported.

However, animal welfares focuses on taking care of animals and giving them a life of dignity. People who work for animal welfare do not go against their usage for food but ask for a comfortable place to live for animals and a healthy amount of food for them. The main points about animal welfare are:

  1. Humans are given priority before the interests of animals.
  2. Animals can be killed, but by less painful methods.
  3. Laws that improve the treatment of animals are supported.

The role of animal welfare to prevent animal abuse

Animal welfare works on preventing cruelty and abuse on animals. Animal abuse can be mainly divided into two categories: abuse occurring because of negligence or harm resulting from deliberate acts. In case of neglect, abuse can be because of ignorance, for instance when a pet owner failed to recognise that the pet needed veterinary treatment. Deliberate abuse includes torture, beating or maiming animals, which can result in severe injury or sometimes even death of the animals.

Why is animal welfare vital?

The welfare of animals is very important as there are so many animals around the world that are suffering. From being used for entertainment in circuses and zoos, to being slaughtered for food and being used in scientific advancement, some animals go through a lot of suffering. Human activities affect the welfare and survival of animals. Every animal deserves to live a good life and importance should be given to their developing and suffering.

  1. Animal welfare focuses on giving a healthy life to animals. All animals deserve to live a life that is free from cruelty, disease and a clean environment to live in.
  2. Animal welfare focuses on letting an animal live and die with dignity and making sure that there is no cruelty while killing animals, so there is minimal pain.
  3. Animal welfare makes people aware about the importance of animals in our society.
  4. Animal welfare can be beneficial for the climate as well. It is a well-known fact that one of the major factors of increase in climate change is methane released by cattle. If the animals are healthy, they will definitely release less methane, hence significantly reducing the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Issues with animal welfare

Some of the main animal welfare issues are:
  1. Animal testing
  2. Animal testing or animal experimentation refers to the procedures performed on live animals for the purposes of research in cosmetics, food additives, pharmaceuticals, etc. The procedures that are classified as mild can potentially harm the animals physically as well as cause psychological distress and suffering in animals. As a result of which, so may animals are killed at the end of the experiment.
  3. Abandoned pets
  4. Abandoning pets exposes them to an uncertain fate on the streets as they may from hunger, thirst, injuries and diseases. The fate of abandoned pets is quite tragic. Most of these pets to live on the streets and fend for themselves. Stray animals are exposed to hunger thirst and extreme weather conditions.
  5. Cruelty to animals
  6. Animal cruelty includes intentional acts of animal abuse and animal neglect. Cruelty can either be intentional like kicking, stabbing, beating, or it can involve neglect, for instance depriving an animal of food, water, shelter or medical treatment.
  7. Hunting
  8. Hunting causes pain and suffering to animals that are unable to defend themselves from bullets or traps. It destroys animal habitats, contributes to species extinction and messes up the ecosystem.
  9. Poaching
  10. Poaching is the illegal killing of wildlife, in violation with the laws. Animals can be poached for. Variety of reasons including food, medicines, leather, ivory and fur.
  11. Puppy mills
  12. Puppy mills are commercial dog breeding facilities where female dogs are bred with very little to no recovery time between litters. When the female dogs can no longer reproduce, they are often killed.

The Five animal welfare Freedoms:

Every animal must be guaranteed the following five fundamental freedoms and must be shielded from needless suffering.

  1. Freedom from hunger and thirst. This can be obtained through easy access to clean drinking water and a diet that promotes the vitality and wellness of the animal.
  2. Freedom from discomfort. Every animal deserves a suitable setting which includes shelter and a relaxing resting place.
  3. Freedom from pain, injury or disease. This can be done through prevention of disease or early diagnosis and treatment.
  4. Freedom to express normal behaviour. This can be done by giving the animal suitable amenities and company of its own kind.
  5. Freedom from fear and distress. This can be obtained by making sure that the animal receive care to prevent mental suffering.

How does Carita World Foundation work to improve Animal Welfare?

Carita World Foundation is based on the same interests and goals as the Animal Welfare non-profit organizations around the world and helps to enhance animal welfare through donations. Animal Welfare nonprofit organizations focus on rescuing animals that are left behind on their own. They do not believe in breed discrimination and work on animals that have been abandoned or injured. By making a donation to our foundation you’re helping the animal welfare non-profit organizations to provide shelters where the veterinarians can treat the wounded or sick animals. These animals can then be set up for adoption to a safe and loving environment where they can stay happy. Please donate as much as you can to our organization.

Animal Shelter donations near me

We, at Carita World Foundation encourage you to donate to our foundation so we can help make a difference in the lives of these animals. We value these beautiful animals and provide aid to the animals that are desperately in need of love and support. Many of these animals have been abandoned and are homeless, sad and frightened. We call out to you to consider donating and supporting our foundation and helping us in this life saving work that benefits thousands of animals per year. We thank you in advance for believing in our cause and helping us save the lives of these animals.

Each time you support Carita world foundation, you are saving lives of so many animals and giving them the second chance, they deserve. We are working tirelessly to put an end to animal abuse and neglect. Your donation will be tax deductible and can help make a life changing difference for these rescue animals.

How can you help the animal shelters?

  1. Donate
  2. There are so many ways that you can help homeless and sick animals. Small, local shelters do not receive the funds that large international animal organizations receive. You can help care for the abandoned animals. By making a financial donation, you can make a massive difference for animal charities. Donating money is a quick and easy way to make sure that the money is used where it is needed the most. Animal shelters need food, bedding, veterinarian care, medical assistance and neutering. The money you donate will help to provide the care that the homeless animals will receive till a suitable home is found for them. Your generous monetary animal shelter donations maybe used to cover the cost of supplies, daily operations, etc.
  3. Volunteer
  4. If you cannot donate money or cannot adopt a pet, but want to help, there are so many other ways that you can do so. You can volunteer your time at a local shelter. It is one of the most valuable ways to help. A lot of animal shelters rely on volunteers to provide the care required for the animals. You can walk the dogs/cats at a shelter, help with the cleaning and feeding, play with the animals, help with donation campaigns and help with other office work. Your volunteering can surely make a tremendous difference to the animals.
  5. Donate supplies
  6. You can also donate supplies. You can check up with your animal shelter to find out what kind of supplies they need. Some of the common supplies that you can donate are
    • Toys that are safe and approved for the animals
    • Bedding, blankets to help keep the animals in the shelter warm and safe
    • Your old blankets, towels or old fabric items
    • Unused crates work as a safe place for animals where they find comfort and solitude
    • Heating pads
    • Food
    • Cleaning supplies like paper towels and cleaning soaps.
    • Newspapers
    • Dishwashing liquid
    • Toilet paper
    • Old collars, harnesses and leashes of all sizes
    • Old doghouses
    • Medical supplies like digital thermometers, bandaging material, rubbing alcohol, Q-Tips, gauze
  7. Adopt
  8. You can adopt a rescue animal and help save its life. If you have been considering adopting a pet, instead of buying one from a pet store, you can find the perfect pet from your local animal shelter. Rescuing shelter animal not only saves his or her life, but also makes room for other homeless animals in need. You can also encourage your friends and family to consider adopting a rescue pet they are looking for a new for legged family member. Please motivate your group friends and family to help out the animals.
  9. Say thanks
  10. Show gratitude to the people who work at local shelters. Acknowledge them on social media, drop off cookies or lunch for the rescue staff.
  11. Follow us on social media
  12. You can like or follow our animal foundation on Facebook and can invite your friends and family to follow us too. You can engage on our posts by sharing and commenting on them.
  13. Become a foster
  14. You can become a foster for a pet who is unable to adapt to shelter life. You can be lifesaver for a pet that needs to be nursed back to health.
  15. Provide transportation
  16. Animal shelters need volunteers to take the rescue animals to their foster or adoptive homes. You can help volunteer to drop the animals to wherever their destination maybe.
  17. Lend your computer skills
  18. Running a shelter takes a lot of work, and you can lend your graphic, coding and writing skills to help the shelter’s website or social media pages.
Animal Welfare

What not to donate to an animal shelter?

It is usually difficult for an animal shelter to accept medication that has been opened or any medication that is past its expiration date. You should not donate cleaning products that have been mixed with other products. It is best not to donate items that cannot be washed or disinfected due to safety guidelines. This is because animal shelters are dealing with animals who are usually ill or injured. Hence, to keep the other animals safe they need to sanitise pretty much everything. So check with the animal shelter if they can take any of these items.

Tips for easy donating to local Shelters near me

Make your donation experience easy by considering the following:

  • The items you donate should be in a good condition
  • Do not donate items that are stained, broken or in a bad condition
  • Sort out the items in a bag or box and ready to give to our staff
  • Please be patient doing busy hours
  • Please do not dump any unwanted items

The objectives of our foundation

  • To prevent cruelty and to secure the welfare of animals
  • To alleviate animal suffering
  • To instill in people, a feeling of compassion towards animals
  • To give shelter to homeless and abandoned animals
  • Controlling homeless animal population through neutering