The process of safeguarding plant and animal species as well as their habitats is known as wildlife conservation.

The ecosystems of the earth are balanced and stable because of the fauna that exists there. For natural ecosystems to be restored, protected, or improved, healthy wildlife species or populations must be maintained. The main hazards to animals are pollution, climate change, habitat destruction, degradation, fragmentation, overexploitation, poaching, and pollution.

The Wildlife Extinction Crisis  

Main Causes:

Over the last 200 years, the human population has increased exponentially, reaching more than seven billion now. This indicates that the billions of people on the earth are consuming natural resources more quickly than before. The habitats and continued existence of many different species of wildlife around the world are also in risk due to this growth and development, especially those animals and plants that might be relocated due to land development or used for human consumption or other uses. The introduction of alien species from other continents, climate change, pollution, hunting, fishing, and poaching are further hazards to wildlife.

The greatest threat over the next ten years is thought to be the combination of climate change and biodiversity loss. The atmosphere of our planet is being impacted by greenhouse gases such as methane and carbon dioxide. Our rising temperatures over the past few years have primarily been caused by heat that is accumulating and being trapped. Every living thing on our planet, including people, is impacted by the global warming.

Main Effects:

The threat to the planet’s ecosystems posed by species extinction is significant. Animals in danger of extinction have an impact on the environment as well as other species that are related to them. It can have disastrous effects and permanently harm ecosystems all around the world if numerous species of birds or animals go extinct, no matter how big or tiny they are.

Every living organism contributes in some way to the ecosystem’s balance. when these living things unexpectedly vanish from the surroundings. Whether they are predators or prey, it can have a number of detrimental effects on the food chain and have a significant impact on ecosystems. Similar to extinct species, but to a lesser level, endangered animals have an impact on the environment.

The loss of biodiversity is caused by the extinction of species. A region’s ecosystem diversity refers to both the overall number of species that live there as well as the total number of ecosystems that are present. When an animal, plant, or bird species goes extinct, it reduces the variety of species in that ecosystem, which leads to the extinction of other species that depended on it.

In order to keep the environment in balance, several species fulfill a variety of responsibilities. The roles that these species were playing stop when they abruptly vanish, creating numerous risks to the planet’s natural balance.

The unbalance in the food chain. When a species in an ecosystem goes extinct, a void is left in the food chain, which leads to instability and issues for the species that depend on them for food.

In an ecosystem, the number of creatures that were prey to one species dramatically increases, causing an imbalance in the ecosystem, and vice versa. This is known as an increase in the population of prey.

Human implications of species extinction. Although it may surprise some of you, it is true that humans are sociable animals. The majority of us don’t appear to be overly cautious or worried about the consequences of species extinction.

More than any other species, the human race is most at risk from extinction. Decreased biodiversity can also lead to lethal diseases, food shortages, and other issues.

How to contribute to Wildlife Conservation?

Carita World Foundation stands in solidarity with Wildlife Conservation nonprofit organizations and aims to help with donations.  By making a donation to Carita World Foundation, you’re addressing a variety of Wildlife Conservation nonprofit organizations to protect, maintain healthy wildlife species, restore, and enhance natural ecosystems.

Not everyone who is concerned about endangered species and wants to assist in protecting threatened animals has the chance to go outside, get their boots dirty, take part in hands-on conservation activity, and do something about it. However, you can still support these organizations by making a donation, which will be put to use for a number of working groups on the ground.

Please donate to help Wildlife Conservation nonprofit organizations continuing their long-term initiatives. 

The destruction, degradation, fragmentation, overexploitation, poaching, pollution, and climate change are the main dangers to wildlife.